For more than a decade, UpCity’s mission has been—and continues to be—to help businesses find B2B service providers they can trust. The UpCity Recommendability Rating was developed to determine a service provider’s credibility and recommendability, giving UpCity the confidence to recommend them to the more than 1.5 million businesses that visit their site.

Tracking browsing history has always been a double-edged sword. As concerns continue to grow, after both Google and Apple have announced major shifts to protect user privacy, what does this mean for your business?

SEO has a completely different role, and the benefits are occasionally overlooked.  Even worse: SEO can have a reputation of being overly complicated, so the planning ends up taking up valuable time from teams, yada, yada, yada… everyone ends up forgetting why it was important in the first place (yes, we’ve seen this happen, a LOT).

There’s no denying our world is in a state of panic and uncertainty. With the current situation changing daily, things can seem overwhelming leaving us feeling lost and wondering what to do next. We know you want to use this time as productively as possible so here are 7 SEO opportunities you can focus on right now.

With cyber crime growing exponentially and Google cracking down on sites that are not HTTPS secure, it is now more crucial than ever for your site to be SSL secured.