The Power of PPC Advertising
6 undeniable benefits for your business

the benefits of ppc

PPC (pay-per-click) is an advertising model used to direct online traffic to specific websites (landing pages), where an advertiser pays the publisher (typically a search engine) when the ad is clicked.

Perhaps the most powerful reason to use PPC advertising is that it contributes to a variety of business and marketing goals. From high-level brand exposure and hot lead submission to e-commerce sales, PPC is a powerful tool for aligning website traffic drivers to end-goals.

If you aren’t doing any PPC marketing, your business is losing out on valuable traffic and revenue.

PPC supports many parts of the sales funnel, particularly the middle ground of nurturing and serving. By advertising content downloads, newsletter signups, contest entries, and app downloads, PPC can take your prospects from awareness to becoming a customer.

And if that isn’t enough for you to consider introducing PPC in your marketing strategy,
here are six more powerful benefits:

1 – Quick start up

Even if you are a decade behind your competitors, you can be up and running quickly with minimal involvement of your development teams.

With a little bit of optimization and help setting up conversion tracking and landing pages, PPC lets you quickly cast a wide net to find new prospects and customers. Unlike starting SEO which often takes more time and attention to get the same type of positioning and traffic that Google Ads offer within minutes of launch.

Compared to other channels like social or email, you have the advantage of targeting people who are not yet aware of your brand which means you aren’t limited to your existing customer lists or followers.

2 – Measurable and trackable

Your stats are readily available and show how your campaigns are performing and what kind of traffic and results they are driving for your budget.

By simply using the Google Ads tool in combination with Google Analytics, you can clearly see what was spent and what it drove in terms of your end goals. You’ll see high-level performance details including impressions, clicks, and conversions.

With other forms of advertising and marketing, the picture isn’t as clear for attribution of the budget to direct results. No billboard or magazine ad can attribute to sales like that!

3 – You are in control

From budget flexibility to quick edits and ad optimization, you have control over a wide range of options for how you reach potential customers.

You can set your own ad budget and bids, and choose what you’re willing to spend. If you want to start small and then scale up when you start seeing positive results, you have that option. Keep in mind though, you will have to pay somewhere close to the market rate to play in most cases.

If you want to take a break, you can always pause and stop your ad spend right away. This is hard to do with other ongoing marketing campaigns, giving you the advantage and budget flexibility to move quickly when necessary or desired.

4 – Works well with other marketing channels

By gaining insight through performance data PPC supports other forms of content marketing and can drive visitors to content more quickly, improving the return on your investment.

Naturally, PPC and SEO work well together as the impressions and opportunities for traffic are often to the same audience — people using Google to find information, services, or products. Using performance data of impressions, clicks, and conversions from Google Ads can provide great insight and direction for where to prioritize SEO efforts.

Google remarketing is a great way to keep site visitors engaged, regardless of how they found you. Remarketing ads are shown to people who visited and left your site. The great thing is, they are based on specific rules or audiences you select.

When it comes to more traditional direct marketing, PPC can help provide data to assist that form or provide an alternative option since it can be compared to traditional mail with costs per impression and conversion. If you are willing to shift away from more expensive traditional marketing, to methods that provide real-time data and have better tracking, it can be a huge win.

6 – Incredible targeting options

With a variety of options for how wide of a net you would like to cast, you are able to reach both people who aren’t yet in your audience as well as those that have already been exposed to your brand.

By using a multi-layered approach you can ensure that the full scope of Google Ads is leveraged and that you’re getting as many impressions as possible while staying targeted to the personas in your prospective audience.

Targeting keywords, running ads through remarketing, and focusing on a specific audience demographic, you can see what performs best and set expectations on what the tolerance is for cost per click and cost per acquisition to compare the different targeting methods with each other.

7 – A Wealth of data

From giving you the ability to find where your audience is to cross-referencing where your competition is, PPC can show you what market share your business can gain.

The value of information gained when using this form of advertising goes far beyond PPC performance. The wealth of data available in Google Ads (impressions, clicks, conversions on keywords) can all be used to advise SEO and other content marketing efforts.

Still on the fence? Contact us so that we can run a detailed analysis, and show a comparison of implementing a PPC campaign compared to other organic or paid sources of traffic you’re currently utilizing.

Take a look at your cost for media, management of the campaign, and any content that must be created. You can put that cost up against what you’re currently spending for similar management and development activities in organic search, email, social, and offline marketing channels.

This advertising strategy has proven to be a reliable and profitable channel for companies seeking quick, quality traffic and conversions. When you think of all the benefits PPC offers, there’s little risk in testing it out. Take a moment to consider how it can move the needle and help you gain a wealth of valuable data that can be used to inform your other marketing and optimization efforts.